Habit 4: Think Win-Win! Leaders think in abundance not scarcity.
On Twosday (2.22.22) East Elementary students took a brain break @ 2:22 pm and did some dancing!!
Cold didn't stop East 3rd & 4th graders from having fun during indoor recess, they held a Connect Four Tournament. Congrats to Parker Lloyd & Wyatt Giese, class champions!!
TK learns about caring for their teeth.
Thank to McDonald's and lots of hard work, kindergarteners enjoyed McFlurry's for achieving 85% proficiency on their Winter FAST Screening!!
Sheldon Schools will be starting 2 hours late tomorrow (2/22/22). No AM Preschool.
Habit 3: Put First Things First!. To do your best, spend most of your time in quadrant 2.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind! You can choose your actions, but not the consequences.
Students & staff have been learning about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. We are SO excited to have our school families join the learning & fun! Over the next 14 weeks you will receive 7 activities to do with your child!
Here is Habit 1: Be Proactive. Enjoy!
Just a reminder, per the district calendar, there will NOT be school tomorrow, Friday, January 14 as the teachers have a professional development day.
The 3rd quarter of school will start on Monday, January 17. Thanks!
Congratulations to Mr. Maassen, for being selected as the region’s middle school athletic director of the year!
The students can join us for some holiday dress up fun!
Monday, December 20: Red and Green Day
Tuesday December 21: Christmas Hat Day (or headbands)
Wednesday December 22: Ugly Sweater/Christmas shirt (Last day of school for winter break!)
Sheldon Schools - NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Friday, Dec. 10th, due to inclement weather.
Elementary students have been busy developing their computer science skills this week. Coding in "unplugged" activites, via code.org, and with robots #cseverywhere #orabhourofcode
Check out these awesome bookmarks!!
Practicing our computer science skills today in 4th grade! #orabhourofcode #cseverywhere
East Elementary Winter Concerts information:
Parents, here is the information you will need to know for our upcoming music concerts!
Thursday, December 2, 2021: 1st and 2nd Grade Music Concert
Monday, December 6, 2021: 3rd & 4th Grade Music Concert
Both concert nights:
Kids need to arrive at 6:45 P.M. at the high school – more information on where your child needs to go once at the high school will be sent out tomorrow
Concert will start at 7:00 P.M. in the high school auditorium
Students will need to stay for the whole concert as both grades sing a song together at the end
1st graders made observations & collected data while testing how many pennies their tinfoil boats would hold before sinking. They are excited to design a 2nd boat using what they learned, to try and beat the record of 73 pennies.
A BIG THANK YOU to all our parents, extended family, students, and friends of the Sheldon Community School District for your support of our Sheldon Middle School Book Fair. Your purchases help us purchase new books and supplies for our school libraries.