Orab Teacher Parade was a great event. Here are a few vehicles "posing" in front of our Orab sign. It was awesome to see all the students and families around town. We miss you!!!
almost 5 years ago, Cory Myer
Teacher Parade
Parade photo
School spirit
Lots of smiles
We always wear Orab gear around the Maassen household! #orabnation #orabstrong
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Worker bees getting food bags packed up today! #orabstrong
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Worker bees
Friday's colors of the day...orange & black of course! #smsrocks #orabstrong
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Big shout out to all of our custodians for all of the extra cleaning and disinfecting to keep us healthy and safe. Israel and Nancy took a break to say hello. #orabstrong
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Orab Cafe ! Volunteers and Cooks getting lunches and breakfast ready for our kids ❤️ #takingcareofeachother #orabstrong
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Orab cafe
Orab cafe
Orab cafe
One of many teachers working on curriculum for their kiddos this week #orabstrong
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
ORAB Meals On The Go are ready for distribution at Methodist Church #takingcareofeachother #orabnationstrong
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Sheldon Schools - Building Access and Distance Learning https://tinyurl.com/vkhe8t7
almost 5 years ago, Cory Myer
Orab Grab-n-Go Cafe https://tinyurl.com/vus259l
almost 5 years ago, Cory Myer
Orab Grab-n-Go Cafe
Working hard to prepare work for East Elementary students #orabnationstrong
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Mr G
Sheldon Schools will have NO SCHOOL until further notice due to Governor's recommendation concerning COVID-19. Additional information will be forthcoming.
almost 5 years ago, Cory Myer
All Sheldon school buildings will be open this afternoon from 2-6 PM for students who need to come in and get devices or school work from the building. We ask that anyone coming to get things from the school grab what you need and avoid lingering in the building.
almost 5 years ago, Eric Maassen
Sheldon Schools will have NO SCHOOL tomorrow, March 16, 2020 due to Governor Reynolds recommendation Sunday evening to close schools. Additional information will be shared tomorrow.
almost 5 years ago, Cory Myer
MS/HS Procession of Choirs sounded outstanding!
almost 5 years ago, Cory Myer
Having fun!
Great sound
So proud of our First Responders and Emergency Response Services, including some of our own students, for their assistance with today’s impactful educational event - Power of Choice.
almost 5 years ago, Cory Myer
Emergency Response Services
Congrats to SMS math teacher Gina Woelber! Educationsuperhighway.org selects one school per state for “high-quality digital learning in action” and they selected the Sheldon Community School District as Iowa’s example based on the work you are doing. Check it out by clicking on Iowa at digitallearningday.org/state-profiles #smsrocks #orabnation
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Power of Choice event at High School. Thanks to law enforcement and all of the emergency management people for creating this impactful educational opportunity.
almost 5 years ago, Cory Myer
Power of Choice
The middle school is in need of healthy snacks for ISASP week. Please drop off any health donations to the MS office by March 30. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Cindy Barwick
NCC Ribbon-Cutting for their new Automotive Lab. Great things happening at this outstanding community college. Thankful for the opportunities they provide our students.
almost 5 years ago, Cory Myer
NCC Ribbon-Cutting for their new Automotive Lab.