6th grade students took a break from their class novel, "Hatchet," to try some of the survival skills that Brian is experiencing including making a fire, braiding rope, and carving arrowheads. #hatchet #survival #sms #orabnation
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
survival skills
survival skills
survival skills
survival skills
We had a fabulous time yesterday with Honorary Orab, Coach Sloth and all of our family and friends! #pizza #popcorn #books #coachsloth #family #friends #orabnation
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
honorary Orab
Mr. B's first annual read-n-feed
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Welcome Coach Sloth to East Elementary Literacy Night! #readers #coachsloth #eastelemetary #orabnation
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Coach Sloth
Coach Sloth
Coach Sloth
Gather your high school friends to solve our Halloween tricks and get some treats. Halloween Escape Experience - Monday, October 28th, HS library. Three, forty minute sessions @ 4:00, 5:00, & 6:00 pm. LIMITED SPACES! Sign up this week @ lunchtime or in the library!
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
4th graders designing cradles to protect their eggs from breaking. #science #orabnation
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
egg drop
egg drop
SHS staff and students enjoyed their first "Block Party" of the year #relationshipbuilding #orabnation
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
block party
block party
block party
block party
First and third grade buddies learning about sound vibrations and each other...thanks Mr. Meyer for joining in. #orabnation
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Sounds waves
Sound vibrations
Preschool students going on a tree hunt during our Tree Study.
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
tree hunt
tree hunt
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Pumpkin Day
Pumpkin Day
Congratulations to East Elementary teacher Sami Fox, McTeacher of the month! She received a plaque, $100 for her classroom, and free McCafe drinks for a year!
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
To encourage reading in Sheldon youngsters, high school student Samantha Noteboom has hidden books in town. Found one? Follow the directions inside. Let's see how many kids can get a book in their hands. Happy Reading! #look4abook #sheldonlook4abook
almost 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Sheldon Look 4 a Book
Color Run is tomorrow starting at 2:00. We’ll run around the campus starting right at MS and ending at football field. Looking forward to it!
about 5 years ago, Cindy Barwick
Thanks to Teri Bos for the vaping presentation at the MS today. Don’t miss the parent presentation at the HS tonight, 7 pm.
about 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
This week only earn an additional Box Top on every Box Tops participating product. To earn simply purchase by 9/22/19 and scan your receipt within 14 days of purchase.
about 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Overwhelmed. That is how we are feeling today as we end our fall fundraiser. We are overwhelmed by the support and generosity we have received as we raised over $30,000 thanks to our generous communities! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Color Run will be held on September 27!
about 5 years ago, Cindy Barwick
Another awesome day of fundraising! We have topped $16,000 on day 3. Thank you for your donations! And, thank you to our families and students for your hard work. Last turn in day is Monday.
about 5 years ago, Cindy Barwick
Get your homecoming brag tags for $1 Sept 16-20 @ East
about 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Brag Tags
Brag Tags
East Elementary September students of the month. Outstanding and Organized!!
about 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Sept ST of the month
Thanks to McDonalds for including East Elementary in their kiosk fundraiser.
about 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
East Elementary students accepting a donation from McDonalds