Sheldon Teacher Parade, Monday, March 30th, 6:30pm
Teachers will be driving through your neighborhood to spreading love and cheer by honking and waving at a safe distance. Please do not come outside and gather…practice social distancing. We will make our way through the in-town neighborhoods. If you live out-of-town, come park along the route and watch the parade from your car.
We’d love to see the kids wave from the windows, front door or porch. We ask that you do not leave your yard. Please stay at your home and do not gather.
We can't wait to see you on Monday!

We always wear Orab gear around the Maassen household! #orabnation #orabstrong

It's Friday! 🧡🖤 #orabnation #orabstrong

Hello all! In 3 hours the Kennedy Space Center will launch a rocket! See it live on this link! March 26 at 2:57:

Don’t miss Mrs. Craig on Facebook @ 2 #orabstrong

Coffee, science, cats, homework, and baby snuggles to pass the time #orabstrong

It's Friday! #orabstrong

Worker bees getting food bags packed up today! #orabstrong

Mrs. Freyman's busy getting books from the library for the teachers. Check in with your teachers to see who's reading books online. #readabook #orabstrong

Big shout out to all of our custodians for all of the extra cleaning and disinfecting to keep us healthy and safe. Israel and Nancy took a break to say hello.

Lots of Orab gear and learning going on today
#highfivefriday #orabstrong

Sack lunches are again being delivered today #takecareofeachtother #orabstrong

It’s Friday and that means Orab gear 🧡🖤
#highfivefriday #orabstrong

Reminder, if you have a child coming up into Kindergarten or TK, please register them online! You can upload forms to the registration or email them to the school secretary at: abeukelman@sheldonschools.com
Please call 712.324.4337 with any questions!

Awesome turnout at East today! Thank you parents for supporting your kids by picking up their school work!!! You Rock!!
Big thanks to the teachers for helping out! #orabstrong

Orab Cafe ! Volunteers and Cooks getting lunches and breakfast ready for our kids ❤️ #takingcareofeachother #orabstrong

PK -- 4th parents don't forget to stop at East Elementary today to pick up student packets and to return fundraising items!

Just a few pictures from Mrs. Dykstra's 1C family on silly sock reading day! #orabstrong

One of many teachers working on curriculum for their kiddos this week #orabstrong

ORAB Meals On The Go are ready for distribution at Methodist Church #takingcareofeachother #orabnationstrong