Working hard to prepare work for East Elementary students #orabnationstrong

We have an assembly tomorrow, Thursday the 12th - please have your children wear their East Elementary shirts! Thanks!

We are half way through or Pizza Ranch and Butter Braid fundraiser! Please contact Mrs. Wolf in the office if you would like to order or if you have any questions.

East Elementary Book Fair is Next Week!
March 17 & 19th, 8am-8pm Tues & Thurs - during Conferences
March 18th 8am-2pm Wed
Purchases benefit our library!
New eWallet option!

Excellence for East Carnival - April 18, 2020! Come enjoy the fun! See their page on facebook!

Kindergarten registration is open and due by April 1! Register online and turn forms in to East Elementary Office by April 1! If you need a packet, please stop in at East and we will assist you. Thanks!

Congrats to SMS math teacher Gina Woelber! Educationsuperhighway.org selects one school per state for “high-quality digital learning in action” and they selected the Sheldon Community School District as Iowa’s example based on the work you are doing. Check it out by clicking on Iowa at digitallearningday.org/state-profiles #smsrocks #orabnation

Bring in your Pop Can Tabs to raise money for Ronald Mc Donald Houses!

It is fundraising time for East Elementary! We are selling butter braids and Pizza Ranch cards again this year! The Pizza Ranch cards are good at any of the surrounding area Pizza Ranches. Please read the details, and the fundraising sheets will be coming home with your child this week!

Celebrating Dr. Seuss in KD #drseuss #eastelementary #orabnation

KA paleontologists digging for bones #paleontologists #diggingforbones #science #eastelementary #orabnation

KA works on measurement skills using rulers. #eastelementary #orabnation

3A and 3B. Habit 4... Win-Win #eastelementary #leaderinme #winwin

Student of the Month! February - Being Your Best, Believing in Yourself! Charles from Village Northwest shared with the students about his Special Olympics sports and being your best and believing in yourself!

Reminder: The Dance Team Night is tonight at 6:00 pm! If your child is participating in the dance clinic, please have them at the high school by 5:45 tonight. Thanks!

Kdg students in Mrs. Fitzgerald's class working with candy hearts to practice their sorting, counting, graphing, and comparing data skills. #eastelementary #kindergarten #math

Sheldon schools will have a 2 hour late start on Thursday, February 13 due to extremely cold temperatures.

3rd graders are researching for their biography reports. #east #orabnation

KDG had a visit from the dental hygenist today!

High school community service students helping remind middle school students about the Leader In Me Habits by creating a bulletin board in the 7/8 pod. #orabnation #leaderinme