The 5th graders in Miss. Baumgartner and Mrs. Simonsen's English Class recently finished the historical fiction novel, "Number the Stars" which is about two young girls who lived during the Holocaust. The 5th grade students then got the opportunity to connect with a living Holocaust survivor, Saul. Saul zoomed in with the class and was able to share his experience living through that time period. Saul also answered some of the questions that the 5th graders had. This was a great opportunity for the students to learn about that time period through their reading and then talk to a person who lived through it. Saul will be turning 99 next month. He currently lives in Los Angeles and moved there to be with his sister who also survived the Holocaust. Throughout his life he opened a painting company and also worked for an optical business. Thank you to Jordan Dykstra, a former Sheldon graduate who helped with this connection. Jordan lived with Saul for awhile during his time in Los Angeles. #LeadOn #Orabs #Connections #Sheldon #reading #Holocaust #zoomlearning
over 1 year ago, Brittany Maassen
East Elementary students were excited to be back after the holiday break. It was great to see our students back in our buildings today ready to see their teachers and friends. #LeadOn #orabs #Sheldon #Eastelementary #elementarystudents
over 1 year ago, Brittany Maassen
Students in Mr. Anderson's Chemistry Class performed a double replacement reaction lab between sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid. They calculated the theoretical yield of the product sodium acetate by solving a stoichiometric calculation from the balanced chemical equation of the reaction. Once the reaction was completed, the actual yield of sodium acetate was measured and students solved for the % yield of their reaction. #LeadOn #Chemistry #Sheldonorabs #Orabs #sciencelabs
over 1 year ago, Brittany Maassen
Sheldon will be running a 2-Hour Late start Thursday, January 5. There will be no AM preschool. Thank you to those that have been working to get the roads clear and safe throughout this winter.
over 1 year ago, Brittany Maassen
2 hour
There will be NO SCHOOL Wednesday, January 4 due to weather conditions.
over 1 year ago, Brittany Maassen
No School
Sheldon Schools will be starting two hours late on Wednesday, January 4, 2023. There will be no early dismissal.
over 1 year ago, Brittany Maassen
2 hours
There will be NO SCHOOL on Tuesday, January 3. due to weather. Stay staff and enjoy one more day of winter break! #LeadOn #Orabs #Sheldon #winter
over 1 year ago, Brittany Maassen
no school
Sheldon Schools will be starting 2 hours late tomorrow (Tuesday, January 3) due to weather.
over 1 year ago, Brittany Maassen
2 hours
This week at Sheldon Community School District! Reminder there will be no school on Monday, classes will resume on Tuesday. We are excited to have staff and students back to start the second half of the school year. See you Tuesday! #LeadOn #Orabs #Sheldon
over 1 year ago, Brittany Maassen
this week
We hope everyone is having a great break! Just a reminder that the first day back to school will be Tuesday, January 3. Middle School Boys' Wrestling and Middle School Girls' Basketball will also start on Tuesday after school. We are excited to see you all back on Tuesday and start the second half of the school year! #LeadOn #Orabs #Sheldon
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Merry Christmas from the Sheldon Community School District. We hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday! #MerryChristmas #LeadOn #Orabs #Sheldon
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
The Sheldon High School Principal position is now posted on Teach Iowa. If you know anyone that might be interested, please direct them to our website or Teach Iowa to learn more about the application process. Applications will be accepted until January 18 at 4:00 PM.
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
The Sheldon Middle School students of the month for December were announced at our monthly assembly today. Congratulations to Elijah Fischer, Tamsyn Matus, Kendalyn Sterler, and Nikko Esquivel. These students were nominated by their teachers in recognition of their leadership and kindness demonstrated at SMS. #LeadOn #Orabs #Sheldon #leader #Leadership
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Students of the month
There will be NO SCHOOL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22. No evening activities. Have a SAFE and FUN Holiday Break!
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
no school
The Sheldon High School students have had some great real world experience over the last few weeks by participating in "Mock Interviews" with local businesses in our Financial Literacy class. Financial Literacy is a graduation requirement for all Sheldon High School students. During this course students learn money management and career readiness skills. Topics include taxes, checking, saving, investing, paying for college, types of credit, managing credit, insurance, budgeting, and careers. Each student in the course is required to do two job shadows and a mock interview. The mock interview gives each student an authentic learning experience of presenting themself to a potential employer as the best candidate for their business. Community members are invited in to assist with mock interviews. Their constructive criticism helps our students be successful in future interviews. This semester we want to send a thankyou to Rosenboom, NCC, Citizens State Bank, and Sheldon Economic Development for stepping in as our interviewers for our students. #LeadOn #Orabs #Sheldon #careers
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Today, students in Ms. DeKok's room celebrated National Hot Cocoa Day by enjoying a warm mug of hot cocoa, while doing some holiday activities. With the cool temperatures coming, we might have to make everyday, Hot Cocoa Day! #LeadOn #Orabs #Sheldon #Nationalhotcocoaday #coldweather #schoolactivities
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
hot cocoa
Monday night, the 7th-12 grade band and choir students performed their Winter Concert in the High School Auditorium. The holiday themed music was a great way to get into the holiday spirit for the last week of school before Christmas break. Thank you to our students and instructors for your hard work to get ready for this performance. #LeadOn #Orabs #Sheldon #music #Christmas
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Daily reading groups are a big focus at East Elementary. Students participate in whole group learning and assignments, but each day teachers will pull different reading groups to work with their students in a small group setting. Small-group instruction provides opportunities for differentiated learning. With the smaller number of students, students have more chances to answer questions and read aloud. Teachers are also able to monitor the students better and can provide better and ore individualized support. #Leadon #readinggroups #Orabs #sheldonorabs
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Reminder The 7th-8th Grade and High School Band and Choirs will be having their winter concerts tonight in the High School Auditorium. 5:45 PM 7/8 Winter Band and Choir Concert. 7:00 PM High School Winter Band and Choir Concert. #LEADON #Orabs #Music
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
This week at Sheldon Community Schools. See attached images for Holiday Dress Up Days at each building. (Order East, Middle and High School) #LeadOn #Orabs #Sheldon
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen