The Sheldon High School Dance team is hosting a Friends and Family Show this Friday, November 4 at 6:00 pm in the High School Gym. There will be no admission, rather the Dance Team wants to encourage those attending to bring at least one donation items for Love Inc. Items include: aluminum foil, parchment paper, gallon size zip lock, quart size zip lock, trash bags, plastic wrap, dish detergent, and dish soap is needed) #Leadon #orabs #dance
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
You can find students spread around the room reading and talking about their books during partner reading time. This is one of the 3rd graders favorite parts of reading rotations. Partner reading is a great way for students to work on their fluency, as well as their social skills, as they talk with their partner about what they are reading in their book. #leadon #orabs #reading
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
3rd grade
Tonight and Thursday during conferences, make sure to check out the Book Fair going on in the Middle School Library from 4-8 pm. There are some amazing books to choose from for both students and adults! Each book purchase has a portion of the sales go back to help the school, so thank you in advance for the support. #LeadOn #Orabs #books #bookfair
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Book Fair
Reminder Conferences are tonight. If you are scheduled for Tuesday, please make sure to come hear how your student is doing! #LEADON #ORABS
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Preschool combined their dramatic play center and Halloween into one today! Preschool students were able to get into their Halloween costumes and participate in some Halloween activities today. Activities included Bingo, spider number toss, Halloween dramatic play and a Halloween craft. #LeadOn #Orabs #Halloween
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Last week the Middle School celebrated Red Ribbon Week. Each day had different dress up days that the students participated in. Monday: Dress Like a Parent Day, "Parents Against Drugs" Tuesday: Mismatch Day, "Don't Let Drugs Mix You Up" Wednesday: Camo Day, "Drugs Can't Find Me" Thursday: Twin Day, "Support Each Other to Stay Drug Free" #LeadOn #RedRibbonWeek #Orabs
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Happy Halloween from Mrs. Miller's Classroom! #leadon #orabs #pumpkins
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Happy Halloween from some of our high school students who brought some "Halloween Spirit" to P.E class! #orabs #pe #LeadOn
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
The Book Fair is this week at the Middle School. An easy way to shop is to use eWallet. eWallet is a way for students to shop at the fair without bringing money to school. It's safe, secure, and easy to set up! Get started at or contact Mrs. De Zeeuw
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
This week at Sheldon Community School District **Reminder: Parent-Teacher Conferences will be Tuesday and Thursday**
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Our High School Library Club had their Halloween Party last Thursday night. Students came in their costumes and enjoyed a night of games, food and a movie. Our Library Club keeps the High School Library decorated for each month, picks out books for the monthly display, hosts book club meetings and recently performed some Readers Theater performances at East Elementary. #LeadOn #orabs #library #halloween
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Our third graders practiced improving their reading fluency this week by performing a Readers Theater for their classmates. Readers Theater is a story that is broken down into "parts" that are read by each student in more of a play like structure. Readers Theater helps students with fluency, speaking skills, comprehension and engages those that get the opportunity to listen. Great work Third Grade. #LeadOn #orabs #reading
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
In Physics class, students constructed devices to safely land an egg from varying heights around the school grounds. Students had to account for gravity's effect on the egg and air resistance as the heights increased. All but one, succeeded at the tallest height tested, the top of the football field bleachers. #leadon #orabs #sheldon
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
The first graders got to enjoy a special performance during library time this week. The High School Library Club came over to do a readers theater of the story, "The Leaf Thief" Thank you to our High School Library Club for coming over to share your talents and stories with our Elementary students. #leadon #orabs #library
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Reminder, there will be NO SCHOOL Friday, October 28 due to a Teacher Professional Development Day. Enjoy your day off and we will see you on Monday! #leadon #orabs
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Our High School P.E class got to enjoy a beautiful fall day on the turf field playing Ultimate Frisbee. The turf field has been a great addition to our facility for not only our high school sporting events, but for our P.E classes, band performances, Sheldon Rec teams and soon to be NCC's soccer program. #leadon #orabs #turf
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
8th Grade Students have started their Science Fair preparation. The Science Fair process lasts six weeks and the students are now into week four of the journey. The first three weeks were spent 1) determining their central question to be investigated and formulating an hypothesis, describing how they expect the project to turn out; 2) designing a method that can be used to FAIRLY test each of the samples they choose to test; and 3) researching their topic to find out about the science concepts, principles, and laws that will dictate and help determine the final outcome of their testing. Students are truly in the driver's seat as they develop the central questions for their project, in addition to formulating an hypothesis and designing a method for testing. Science Fair is off to a great start this year! #science #orabs #LEADON
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Science Fair
4th Graders got a little competitive in their reading review game today. Students played Gimkit as a way to review some of the skills that they had been working on in reading class. Gimkit shares questions on each of the student's screens, once answered correctly they earn "money" and depending on what game setting in Gimkit, the money can be used for various things to help move the individual student to the leader board in the class. Students love getting to review with this game. #leadon #orabs
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
The shop class is applying their woodworking skills to make a battleship game piece. Once completed, students will get to use their game pieces to play others in the class. #leadon #orabs #shopclass
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
The Middle School will have the Book Fair set up next week in the Library! This is a great opportunity to get your students some books while supporting the school with each purchase. The book fair will be open during the school day and during conference times. #orabs #sheldon #leadon #bookfair
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
book fair