How would you like to get college credit for what you already know? The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers you the opportunity to earn qualifying scores on any of the 33 college subject examinations and accelerate your education.  The 90 to 120 minute exams, which cost $93 each, are administered at 1,800 test centers, and 2,900 colleges and universities.

There are Five Main Steps to Taking the CLEP exam:

  1. Does your college or university accept CLEP tests for college credit?

  2. Decide which exam(s) to take.

  3. Register to take an exam.  $93 CLEP fee.

  4. Schedule test day with your test center. (NCC is a CLEP test center. NCC charges a $40 fee)

  5. Prepare for your exam(s). CLEP study guides are available.