Our high school student athletes greeted the students at East Elementary this morning for "High 5 Friday". Thank you to our high school students for being there to help start a fun day for our younger students! #LEADON #ORABS
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Friday, Sheldon will host the first home varsity football game on the new turf field using the new scoreboard. If you have been by the field, you can see the new scoreboard is a big improvement from what we used to have. This scoreboard allows for video footage. With the addition of the new scoreboard and features, some of our students are able to learn how to run and help with the programing of the scoreboard for game night Mr. Maggert has been working with students, teaching them how to use the new program and to help run the scoreboard on Friday night. We are excited for Friday night and for everyone to see all of the new features that Orab Field has to offer. We hope to see you at the game tomorrow!
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Our middle and high school students have had some exciting activities this week. The Middle School P.E class spent time practicing their water sport skills with canoeing and paddle boarding. Thanks to our bus driver John Jinkinson for letting this class come out to his pond for this activity. The high school had the Army National Guard bring in their rock wall for students to climb while also discussing the opportunity of joining the guard. Thanks to all who help make these experiences possible for our students!
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
High schools students in World History are responsible for their learning in the unit about Ancient Civilizations. Student groups were assigned to research and present back to the class about their assigned civilization. Teamwork, research and presenting skills all at work!
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
World History
School Pictures can be ordered starting today. Emails will start going out today with the link to order or you can order using the link below. You will need to know your student ID number (it came home on a note with the students) Make sure to check junk/spam emails to see if it went to those inboxes. http://vando.imagequix.com/394R396
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Students in Mrs. Popkees' Family Consumer Science room get to learn and try many new things and skills that they might not otherwise get to. One student is in the beginning stages of sewing her own purse, while others are working on a project where they are researching fashion of the past.
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Congratulations to our 2022 Homecoming Court! Homecoming week will be September 26-30. More details on events, dress up days and more will be coming out in the upcoming weeks. #LEADON
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
This week at Sheldon Community School District. Reminder-No School Monday
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
This week at Sheldon Community School District Reminder NO SCHOOL MONDAY
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Weekly Schedule
Reminder there will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 5 to celebrate Labor Day. Enjoy your day off and we will see you back at school on Tuesday.
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
 No School
The Sheldon Community School District is lucky to have teachers that work hard each day to help our students learn, grow and have fun at school. Thank you teachers for the work you do each day to help our students.
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
School Pictures are TOMORROW! School pictures will be taken on Friday, September 2. September 9, you will receive an email with the link to view/order your child's pictures. You can also use the link to order (after September 9) https://vando.imagequix.com/394R396
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
School Picturess
Tuesday was presentation day for our CAPS Program. Rebekah Armstrong from Life Serve Blood Center had challenged our associates to come up with ways to increase blood donation by younger volunteers and diverse populations. The teams then had to present their solutions to a panel for feedback and possible next steps or partnerships. Thank you to our panel who provided feedback to the associates from the Sheldon, MOC-FV and Sioux Center CAPS teams on their pitches. #LEADON
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Our High School Peer P.E Class has had a fun week getting out and about. Monday they went to play on the new turf field and today they spent class improving their bowling skills. We have some amazing students that show great leadership in this Peer P.E class. #LEADON
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Peer P.E
The first official game took place tonight on the new turf field. Our 9th and JV football teams got to be the first team on the newest project completion for SCSD. This is a great addition for the many activities and programs that will use this field in the future.
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
first game
Congratulations to four of our teachers that won the Prins Insurance Giveaway. These teachers were nominated and won a $100 gift card to use for their classroom. Thank you to Prins Insurance for doing this giveaway. Mrs. Meendering Ms. Farrell Mrs. Diekevers Mrs. Miller
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Students and staff are ready to make this school year one that is full of learning, growth and fun. We have had a great start to the school year! #LEADON
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Mark your Calendars for School Pictures. School pictures will be taken on Friday, September 2. September 9, you will receive an email with the link to view/order your child's pictures. You can also use the link to order (after September 9) https://vando.imagequix.com/394R396
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
School Pictures
Reminder: Today and all Wednesdays, Sheldon Community School District has an 1 hour early out dismissal. East Elementary 2:10 Middle School 2:25 High School 2:20
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen
Early Out
The High School welcomed back their students today with a back to school assembly followed by activities in the gym. It was great to see our students and teachers back in the hallways having fun together. Here's to a great start at SHS!
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Maassen